Active Travel
Active Travel at Active Blackpool
At Active Blackpool, we want to support you to make activity an important part of your daily routine.
Active Travel simply means making short journeys in a more active way.
So why not swap your motorised transport for a more active method instead and walk to the shop, scoot with the kids to school or cycle to work.
Check out the below to learn more.
What are the benefits of Active Travel?

Being physical activity can have significant benefits for your health, both physical and mental.
It can help to prevent and manage over 20 chronic conditions and diseases, including some cancers, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and depression.
Physical activity is beneficial to people of all ages and can be life changing for your family.
From helping children maintain a healthy weight to reducing conditions such as hip fractures in frail older people, it’s never to early or late to start making those changes and adding Active Travel in to your daily routine.
As the former chief medical officer noted: “The potential benefits of physical activity to health are huge. If a medication existed which had a similar effect, it would be regarded as a ‘wonder drug’ or ‘miracle cure’.
Living Streets – Active Travel Partner
Living Streets work within Blackpool to focus on increasing walking rates through interventions.
They have Walk to School and Walk to Work projects. The walk to school project for primary schools is called WOW, a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker.
If they travel sustainably e.g. walk, cycle or scoot once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge. Each month has a different badge to collect. For post primary settings they offer Next Steps, targeted at transition students to build their confidence and independence.
Walking Works is the Living Streets programme for embedding a culture of walking into workplaces. The programme starts with a consultation to find out the unique needs of an organisation and from there, their expert staff advise on a range of suitable initiatives to increase walking rates amongst their staff.
Love to Ride – Active Travel Partner
Love to ride is an online cycling encouragement platform all about helping more people ride bikes. We believe that when more people swap cars for handlebars, our world will become a cleaner, greener and happier place to be.
Log rides, set goals, earn badges, access educational content, connect with other riders, and find support to ride more. Throughout the year, you can also take part in challenges and win big prizes just for heading out for a ride!
To join Love to Ride, it doesn’t matter if you ride every day or if you haven’t been on a bike in years. Love to Ride has lots of resources to help people ride out with confidence, including a range of Tips articles and Quick Courses.
Sign up with an individual account, add in your workplace and join the movement.
Cycling UK – Active Travel Partner
Cycling UK focus on increasing cycling rates through interventions. They focus on both The Bike Revival and Community cycling clubs.
The Big Bike Revival programme is for people returning to cycling, or those starting as a complete beginner. The Big Bike Revival is a series of free local events, which are hosted by local organisations. Events vary but people may be able to get their bikes checked and fixed, learn how to fix bikes, learn how to ride a bike, or go on a led group bike ride – all for free.
Community Cycle Clubs are at the heart of our programme to bring about sustained change and to encourage more people to cycle. A Community Cycle Club is a group of people who come together to do cycling for whatever purpose they choose.
The programme connects individuals to their community to build social networks, feel well and enjoy being active by cycling. The aim could be to reduce isolation, improve health and wellbeing, develop skills and education, or just have fun.
View our timetables and book activities
Booking is easy on our Active Blackpool App, just choose the site you want to visit, select make a booking and choose your activity.
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