Privacy Policy at Active Blackpool

What information do we need, why do we need it and who will we share it with?

The information we collect depends on the reason for us collecting it, a list of these reasons, the data we request, why we need it and who we share it with is listed on this page.

For all services provided by Active Blackpool, we will require your consent to process your personal data. We ask you for this at the time that you take out a service, make a booking or contact us. You can withdraw this consent at any time by emailing but we may not be able to provide some of the services described when you do withdraw consent.

We will use the information to maintain statistical records of how many people use the facilities but we will anonymise your information when we create the statistics.

We will ask for the following information: name, address, date of birth, email address, contact number and bank details if paying by direct debit.

Your personal information will be used to process your membership with Active Blackpool, record your attendance to our facilities, process reservations and payments you make to us. We will contact you regarding your membership using the contact information and preferences you have provided and keep you up-to-date of any changes to the availability of facilities or the cost of membership.

We will share your personal information with our external partners to enable us to manage your membership and communicate with you. Our partners will not share your data with any third parties nor will they use it to contact you directly. Our partner details and their privacy policies can be found here:

We will ask for the following information: name, address, date of birth, email address, contact number and bank details if paying by invoice

Your personal information will be used to process your booking with Active Blackpool, record your attendance to our facilities, process reservations and payments you make to us. We will contact you regarding your membership using the contact information and preferences you have provided and keep you up-to-date of any changes to the availability of facilities or the cost of booking.

We will share your personal information with our external partners to enable us to manage your booking and communicate with you. Our partners will not share your data with any third parties nor will they use it to contact you directly. Our partner details and their privacy policies can be found here:

We will ask for the following information: name, email address and contact number.

We will share your personal information with our external partners to enable us to communicate with you. Our partners will not share your data with any third parties nor will they use it to contact you directly. Our partner details and their privacy policies can be found here:

We will ask for the following information: name, address, date of birth, email address, and contact number.

Your personal information will be used to process your leisure card with Active Blackpool and record your attendance to our facilities. We will contact you regarding your account using the contact information and preferences you have provided.

We will share your personal information with our external partners to enable us to manage your account and communicate with you. Our partners will not share your data with any third parties nor will they use it to contact you directly. Our partner details and their privacy policies can be found here:

We will collect the following information: child’s name, address, date of birth, parent contact number, and parent consent.

Your child’s personal information will be used to process their leisure card with Active Blackpool, record their attendance to our facilities, process reservations and payments you make. We will contact you regarding your child’s account using the contact information and preferences you have provided and we will keep you up-to-date of any changes to the availability of facilities.

We will share your child’s personal information with our external partners to enable us to manage their account and communicate with you. Our partners will not share your data with any third parties nor will they use it to contact you directly. Our partner details and their privacy policies can be found here:

We will collect the following information: name, address, date of birth, and medical information.

The personal information on this form will be retained to demonstrate that consent was sought for the person detailed above to take part in the specified activity(s). We will use the information provided to contact the person listed in an emergency and ensure that staff delivering the sessions are aware of any medical or special support needs.

We will not share your personal information with any third parties.

We will collect the following information: child name, date of birth, medical information, parent contact number, and parent consent.

The personal information on this form will be retained to demonstrate that consent was sought for the child detailed above to take part in the specified activity(s). We will use the information provided to contact you in an emergency and ensure that staff delivering the sessions are aware of any medical or special support needs.

We will not share your child’s personal information with any third parties.

How long we keep your information will depend on the reason for us collecting your information in the first place. Our retention schedule which outlines how long we will retain your details for each circumstance listed above can be found on the council’s website at