Unleash your inner athlete and sprint to glory!

Unleash your inner athlete and sprint to glory!

Get up and running with Active Blackpool’s state-of-the-art outdoor track facilities

The health benefits of running – or jogging to be more precise – are many and varied, ranging from improved heart health to better sleep via all sorts of other advantages.

So, if you’ve been inspired by this summer’s displays of sporting prowess on the athletics track, now is a good time to unleash your inner athlete and find your own version of glory.

Our state-of the-art athletics track located at Blackpool Sports Centre, next to Stanley Park, is the ideal place to start your journey – and remember it’s a marathon not a sprint, whatever form of exercise you’re embarking on, but especially jogging.

Whether you do one lap, one mile or even 10K (that’s just over six miles in old money), our athletics track is a great, safe place to exercise away from traffic and other obstacles – such as pedestrians taking up all of the pavement and forcing you onto the road!

Group of girls running on the athletics track at Blackpool sports centre

So, what are all these benefits of running/jogging?


It doesn’t matter how quick or slow you go, running is one of the best forms of aerobic exercise you can do for your heart, or your cardio health as some might call it. If you’re a complete novice, start by building up to 10 minutes continuous running for one day and  then build on that. Research has shown that running 10 minutes a day can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.


But there are plenty of other benefits than just reducing your chances of dying from cardiovascular (heart) disease. Aerobic exercise such as running releases what is known as endorphins, a chemical that helps to alleviate pain and stress. A word of warning though, if something hurts, it’s your body telling you something is wrong so take notice!


Anyway, back to endorphins. It’s your body’s feelgood chemical and why most regular runners say they don’t regret what they’ve just done after they’ve finished despite how difficult it’s been – something known as the runners’ high. Lots of people run because they say it makes them feel better, and the feelgood factor of a runner’s high can boost your mood and improve your mental health.


But there’s a balancing act to consider when it comes to endorphins. If you run late at night they can stimulate the brain, keeping you awake. But, by the same token, regular exercise will help to tire you out and can relieve stress, two factors that promote better sleep.


In fact, this is a good time stress (no pun intended) that if you’re unsure about how much running you should be doing and when, our helpful, friendly staff are always on hand to advise you.


Running sometimes gets a ‘bad press’ for causing ‘bad knees’. However, a study of marathon runners (the 26-miles-plus-in-one-go guys) showed they had less occurrence of arthritis in their knees than other people. They were also shown to enjoy fewer back problems, so that’s another win-win. Well cushioned running shoes and a more forgiving surface – such as an athletics track – also help to combat the ‘bad knees’ myth.


Regular runners will also tell you that on the whole they get fewer colds than their family and friends who don’t run. Being out in the fresh air is always a good thing to combat a cold but running for 30 minutes or more can trigger your immune system to help fend off respiratory infections. If you do have a cold and are unsure whether to run, take heed of the runners’ mantra: “Above the neck, what the heck. On the chest, give it a rest.”


One final physiological benefit of running/jogging is that aerobic exercise increases your heart rate and makes you sweat, which improves the bit of the brain (known as the hippocampus) that takes care of your memory and learning.



Finally, and this the best bit of all, running is so popular because it is relatively cheap (don’t skimp on the running shoes, buy the best you can afford), it doesn’t need much equipment and you can do it where and when you choose to.

So, what are you waiting for? Our athletics track is available for pay and play use and is included in our Health and Fitness memberships.

Athletics Track Header

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